My current professional development path has put me at the Capitol in St. Paul often as I advocate for parent education to be included in the scholarships for preschool that will be awarded to families. I am also working on a project near and dear to my heart as a one woman non profit organization. I am learning that moving policy forward is not only about what you know, it is who you know, My professional connections have opened doors for me as I advocate for children and parents.
Governor Mark Dayton (on the left) and Art Rolnick have helped me become more comfortable in the policy arena. The PEW website is another valuable asset as I speak with policy makers. I added PEW's newsletter to my RSS feed and find myself more comfortable with that format as PEW is overwhelming! What drives policy is DATA. I am a storyteller, a wonderful asset in my teaching but not as effective in policy making. PEW has given me easy to interpret data about my state delivered right to my computer. The newsletter provides the data and the language necessary for advocates. Legislators are on recess this week, I will use the data provided by PEW to communicate with them.
My frustration is this, PEW has so many areas of interest that the website is difficult to sift through. I find myself overwhelmed and ineffective when I have too many plates spinning in the air. I do much more work when I focus on doing one thing well to it's completion. When I do too much, I do none of it well. PEW seems to have compartmentalized its work somehow but it is not obvious to me how it is all connected. PHEW!!