Saturday, August 17, 2013

Cocos Keeling Islands

The name of the country I chose for this assignment is Cocos Keeling Islands. They are located in the Indian Ocean midway between Australia and Sri Lanka. If I had a new family enrolling in ECFE from Cocos Keeling Islands, I would prepare in the following ways:

1. I would do some research, as I did for this assignment. I would likely start with a Google search, including a Google image search.

2. I would create a Prezi (a presentation format, similar to a power point) to share with the staff about what I had learned. We would brainstorm together our ideas to welcome the family to our program.

3. I would learn a few key phrases in the language of the Cocos Keeling Island people. "Apa kabar?" or "How are you?" is one example of the Trading Malay oral language that the family would recognize.
4. Knowing that the people of Cocos Keeling Islands have had few experiences with outsiders, I would schedule a home visit with the family and include the early childhood teacher.

5. As a staff, we would make our classrooms inviting to the new family by incorporating art, language, photographs, music, and foods that reflect the culture of the Cocos Keeling Islands.

The preparation we do as a staff is beneficial in preventing bias based on ignorance. When we know, for example that the people of Cocos Keeling Islands prefer that we ask for permission to photograph their child, we can avoid a possible uncomfortable situation. The staff feels more competent to serve this family because of the preparations we have made. The family feels more welcome and valued knowing that we have created a space that says "Welcome, we are glad you are here".


  1. Preparing your staff to greet and understand the family from Cocos Keeling Island is an excellent idea. Your staff as well as yourself will play and important role in creating a culturally sensative enviroment. This will ease the families transition and assist them in adjusting to their new learning facility. Great post!

  2. Katy,
    What an interesting choice. I have never heard of these islands before but I have a friend from Sri Lanka that definitely would have. Your ideas on how to prepare for the family's arrival are good ones. Involving the staff is key because other children from the family may be in other rooms. A good post.

  3. Katy,
    Wow you always go above and beyond. I love this part of your blog and I think it make me realize how we bring the outside world into the classroom for any and all children. " As a staff, we would make our classrooms inviting to the new family by incorporating art, language, photographs, music, and foods that reflect the culture of the Cocos Keeling Islands" (Katy Smith, 2013). This is the best way to help children and families feel comfortable and safe in a new environment. Great blog. Melissa
