Friday, February 14, 2014

Using Social Media to Get Connected

Three years ago I was living a disconnected social media life. I had a cell phone but not an iphone. I didn't text and I could not be found on a social media site. Life was calmer. I read more books. I was happy. When my life became more public, I was encouraged to get on Facebook. I refused and started a blog as a compromise. Why would I want to live such a public life? My life was already full of people, more than I had time for much of the time. My life changed with her. I won her and she changed my life. Here she is:
I could work anywhere! I could update my blog when I traveled! I joined Facebook under a secret name. I was hesitant because I feared having to do parent education on social media, something I did not want to do. I later created a Community Facebook page to announce my speaking schedule and to promote early childhood programs and efforts. I joined LinkedIn. I maintain a website.
I took a digital learning class in Washington DC last summer that required me to open a Twitter account. Without a doubt, this has been the best social media tool I use to connect with legislators, policy makers, and community leaders on behalf of advancing early childhood in MN. Just today, for example, I sent a Valentine to MN's House Majority Leader. She tweeted about it. I was thrilled!

I would appreciate any feedback that anyone has to offer about my social media connections. You can find me on Facebook and on Twitter, my user name is KatyMN12. I am on Google Plus and LinkedIn, both of those accounts have the same picture that I use for my Walden work. Let me know what you think!


  1. Katy,
    After reading your post, I realized there is hope for me. I purchased a smartphone for the first time, 2 months ago. I only used a phone for calling and texting with my children and immediate family. I do have a Blackberry for work that I must check emails etc. I applaud how well you have advanced your technology status in just a short time. I think social media is very effective in getting messages out to the public because people are connected to it. I do not think social media would be as effective if people could not connect through their phones. Phones are with people at all times, and messages can be accessed quickly. We just need to get those early childhood messages out there! Thanks!

  2. I think that is very interesting that you find Twitter as the most useful tool to communicate with legislators. I do not have a Twitter account but now I think I will have to get one in order to deepen my advocacy work. Thank you for your post. I have been slow to do other forms of social media besides facebook. I only have a blog because of Walden:) This is encouraging, thank you.
