Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 2 Blog Assignment

A current photo of me, circa 2011

A photo of me as a toddler, circa 1961.

"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted."
Garrison Keillor

I have read this book over and over again to children and adults.  It is funny!  It is fun to read in a growly bear voice and fun to act out as I read it.  Although it is hard to pick just one book to share, this one has captured my heart for some time now. 

We started new classes this week and I was touched by Misty's story about how her little girl, Aubrey became verbal this summer. Aubrey was diagnosed with autism last year. Having Misty share Aubrey's success in my parent education class was the highlight of my week.  There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

I have kept this tiny drawing in my recipe box for years.  My daughter drew this critter in 1992 when she was nearly 5.  It makes me smile every time I run across it.  My home is full of my now adult children's art work as it continues to remind me of how great it was to live with little kids.


  1. Your quote that you picked is one that I have never heard and I love it! I feel no matter what we do for our students it's going to impact them in a very important way. Thank you for sharing that with us, a wonderful quote to keep us teachers going!

  2. I love children's drawings and art work. I've found that art work, can reveal real gifts and talents. Do you enjoy drawing? I am a horrible artist.My four year old son, just asked me, to draw a school bus. I warned him by saying" Now you know, I am not an artist"; he insisted! After drawing the school bus, he looked at me and said" That's not a school bus"!Lol

  3. You have the perfect smile for taking pictures maybe if I had that smile I would enjoy taking pictures. I hope you had a great time in China with your friends this summer. I have to go the library to see if I can find the book I Want My Hat Back I love reading books where the children can really get involve I'm sure they will enjoy growly like a bear. It's great to know you still have your children artwork.

  4. You seem to be great at this blog thing! I'm coming to you for all my questions! LOL.
    I thought your quote was interesting. Such a small line packed with a large punch. I have to remind myself of this everyday. I had foster children at one point in my life and they moved on to another family. It was a sibling set of 4 all below the ages of six. I was so sad to see them go, but I wake up everyday reminding myself that nothing I did for them or taught them is wasted. I hope that I made a difference in their lives, even for the short time that I was lucky enough to have them in my home.

    Thank you for the reminder.

  5. I have no heard of this book! I will need to go look for it - in fact, I think I'll go see if I can find it on to order so I can have it for my toddlers this week! They love books that we can all act out and say in funny voices!

    I also love your quote, and I think it is very meaningful.

  6. While looking at your daughter’s drawing, her art shows self-expression and creativity. Through self-expression and creativity, children’s skills develop naturally. I found out that children gain useful skills through art. Art enables us to see things differently.
