Friday, April 26, 2013

Week 8, Mission Accomplished, Feeling GREAT!

 Bear with me, this may take a bit of explaining. I view many of life's challenges as missions so you can imagine how excited I was to spend a week at Space Camp in Huntsville, Alabama as one of the crew during International Space Camp for Teachers. I learned so much about science, team work, and the gift of intellectual curiosity. I left Space Camp with a new appreciation for real heroes. Not media heroes, or athletes, but astronauts. Astronauts are curious scientists who are willing to take enormous risk for the sake of the common good. In the case of the astronaut, the common good is science and space exploration.
 We had a mission this term as well. We were asked to explore international contacts to help us better understand early childhood efforts on a global scale. Although I never made contact with anyone, I dug into the global web and podcast resources with great gusto. While I was at Space Camp, I had the opportunity to learn about 'space junk'. I had no idea before then that space is littered with all kinds of science waste from rockets, satellites, star and planet residue. The news hit me like a flying piece of space junk. I was overwhelmed and actually said out loud "UGH! I just don't have enough time in my life to care about space junk!". I felt that way about the overwhelming amount of resources we were asked to explore. It was too much for me. I will be happy to make a minute difference in the lives of children and families right here in my own corner of the state. The more I know sometimes, the harder it is to find my place in making a difference.
 I did know that the rest of you were on the same failed mission with me and I took some comfort  in that. I was happy that it wasn't just me. As I read your discussion posts this week, I realize we are all being asked to take on a new mission. Hopefully, one we will be successful at! I love our optimism! I am excited to see what we can accomplish individually. We will  all need to create teams to support our efforts. I hope that many of you, like me are starting to feel like we have each other to rely on as well.
I am starting to get a sense that we can do anything we put our minds and hearts to. And even if we shoot for the moon and miss, we will be in the company of a brilliant abundance of stars! Good luck to us all. I am ready to take on my mission. So long for now, Roger. Over.


  1. Katy,
    It looks like you had a wonderful trip and learned a great deal about the life of astronauts and space. You had a remarkable opportunity and you embraced it head on. You were also able to relate that opportunity to how you saw this course with all it's resources and information. We want so much to learn as much as we can, and we read and research to fully understand the material at hand. I print and save everything and make files to help me keep it all straight so I can use it for future references. With your busy schedule, I am sure you are far more organized than me. Melissa

  2. Hi Katy,

    I love the opportunities you have in your work with young children. I can sense the love and committment you have for children and their families. I want to thank you for your advice and encouraging words. I love your pictures of the space ship. Keep doing what your are doing!

  3. Katy,
    You get to do so many exciting things! What an experience to get up close and personal to our space program. The moon and space has intrigued me for a long time. I'm jealous.

    We have been on a mission the past few weeks and we have all risen to the challenge. If we can share what we have learned with those around us, we will be making an incredible contribution to young children. I have always wanted to be an expert on some topic. You know, the ones who are asked to talk to crowds about what they know. I have begun to feel that I am becoming more of an expert on young children by my journey through Walden's classes and by learning from my classmates. Enjoy your week off. I hope we will be able to share viewpoints again soon.


  4. Katy-

    What a great opportunity to be able to participate in space camp for educators! I know the children you work with will enjoy your stories and pictures, and you never know, you may inspire a future astronaut!


  5. You are so creative! I love how almost every week you made a rhyming thing and I loved how you put our mission and the mission of astronauts together, that was cute! I've enjoyed reading your blog posts and wish you great luck in the future!

  6. Katy, what an awesome experience you had!! Thanks for being a blogger frined during this course, I have truly been inspired by reading your postings and accepting your feedback on my blog as well. Your trip could not have came at a better time. It's really cool that you were able to work along side of some international workers and share different resources with them, and to receive some really great valuable information. Enjoy
