Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hello Walden Colleagues. Sadly, I am at a dead end! Up to this point, I have sailed merrily along knowing that my job was a bit different than the rest of yours but feeling rather progressive too. In Minnesota we just don't think about early childhood without thinking about parent education. Today, I feel like an outlier.

I am wildly passionate about a project that I have been working on at the Capitol since the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I am rigged towards optimism and hope and felt a need to find a way to educate parents about the affects of violent media including video games on very small children. I am amazed at the support I have received and feel so excited about the direction I am headed.

The dead end came this week when as I searched the Walden Library for articles to review for this week's assignment. I must have entered dozens of search terms to find some data on what parents know about video game ratings. I am stuck! What would you suggest?

I could investigate another question with a focus on early childhood but I really do not want to waste my time. I would much rather spend my research energy on data that I can use at the Capitol and with the State Department of Education. I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. Hi Katy,
    I would suggest to keep trying, but since we have deadlines I would suggest looking into another topic. There may not be as much research available on your topic. Sorry I could not be of much help.

  2. Hi Katy,

    That is an awesome topic to do research on, however, I can see why you would be having trouble finding specific information/research. I would say don't give up just yet. Violence/video games/shootings has all been done before and there just has to be research out there! Maybe just try another search engine. Google Scholar for example. I would also let Dr. Carson know that you cannot find articles within the Walden database and see what her advice is regarding what you are typing into the search fields. Good luck!

  3. Katy,
    Your topic for research is a hot topic and issue in our society right now. That is probably why you cannot find a lot of articles describing the impact of violence on children. Maybe look under violence and it's affects through video games or even toxic stress on children. Sometimes learning another way by which children experience violence can help you still find the effects and outcomes when it comes to the anxiety and stress on children. I am not sure what you are specifically looking under besides violence, but maybe toxic stress or post tramtic stress disorder and its affects on children. I know that my oldest child has alot of anxiety from being a military child and having to move every three years and experiencing his dad being away at war. That is tramatic and I feel that is maybe something you can look up the tramatic affects of violence or PSD. Great blog post, Melissa
