My first inclination is to just leave, with nothing but each other. I have walked away from so many situations with just the shirt on my back that I find myself a grown woman with little sentimental attachment to things. For the sake of the assignment, I would grab my laptop, my ipod, and a killer lipstick.
My laptop is full of pictures, most of them documenting the last four years of my life but also pictures that have been important enough to me to scan or share with others on my blogs or my Facebook account. Pictures stir memories and memories are important to me. My laptop also serves as a file cabinet of sorts. It has lots of information that might come in handy if there is any hope of other survivors on the planet.
My ipod is full of motivating music. I generally add music that inspires me in some way to exercise, to clean the house, or to get out of a funk. My family counts on me to be the optimist, the cheerleader and music fills my soul. I have included a Spotify playlist to get your survival game on. I hope it motivates you to do that something that you need to do. I have songs of courage, of despair, and songs of love. Enjoy!
When my best friend in the whole world lost her daughter in a car accident, I wondered how either of us would get through the very immediate future which included writing an obituary, planning a funeral, and burying her sixteen year old in the ground. When we stood at the graveside, after the service, she asked me what she was supposed to do now, I told her "put on a little lipstick and get on with it". We have said that hundreds of times in our long friendship when we needed to just keep moving. The reality of life is this, it is all about getting back up after you have been knocked to the ground.
I would feel challenged by the thought of just keeping one thing. I know myself. I know how strong I am. I have beautiful memories and a head full of songs. It's not the stuff that connects you to culture, it is in how you live your life. I would carry with me resilience, persistence, tenacity, and optimism on the new leg of life's journey. I would be making the journey with my husband by my side. In the end, I would take the lipstick. The world looks better to me when I call on the survival skills given to me because of the family culture that is uniquely my own. To face the challenge, I will "put on a little lipstick and get on with it".
Hi Katy. First of all, this has to be one of the cutest blog sites I have ever seen. The three choices you made are very practical and in today’s technological world, society can’t function without it. I would take my laptop also, but if that was taken away, communication from my families, friends and coworkers could be wiped away, leaving nothing behind. I have to admit though, this post made me smile knowing there are ways to compress all of our pictures, data, communication and personal memos through a laptop! Thanks for sharing . Jay
ReplyDeleteWow I needed to read that part in your blog about the friend who lost her daughter. I had a rough week, my husband of 19 years left me and our three children for a very young 23 year old. I feel like a death has happened to me this week and reading that part about putting on killer lipstick and getting on with life is really sticking with me. I love my husband dearly and can't believe what has happened to me. Our families are who we are and represent our culture, diversity, and our whole life. My children and I are dealing with his new change and your blog made me smile today. Thank you. Melissa
Melissa, I have tears in my eyes. It's funny, we don't know each other really but I am your friend. I am so sad for you and for your kids. I wouldn't be able to move, let alone think in your situation. Know that I am rooting for you. If you ever need an outsider to talk with, someone who would never judge or try to fix it, let me know. I would be happy to be on the other end of the line while you cry, bitch, or toss an "F" bomb if it would make you feel better. Keep your head up, keep moving, and slap on a killer lipstick. Be well, Katy
DeleteHello Katy. I really enjoyed reading your blog this week! I found it to be very inspirational. I can see why your family counts on you to be the optimist because it’s clearly what you are. Your outlook on life is very motivating and uplifting. I look forward to reading more of your blogs and interacting with you in our class. Martha