Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Skilled Communicator

I have always admired the communication style of Hillary Clinton. In her roles as First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the US, Senator, Secretary of State, wife, and mother, Ms. Clinton has always been articulate, passionate, and protective.

I have always admired politicians who create and maintain boundaries that allow the public to get to know them but keep a close watch on their personal life. She is warm and friendly. She is smart and well versed in her subject area. I especially admire how cool she is under pressure.
The Senate hearing on Benghazi is a prime example of Hillary under fire yet cool, passionate, and articulate. I sat in awe of how she was able to put Senators in their place with her expertise on the subject. She was not belittling but she was sure. Assertiveness without aggression is a very effective communication skill to possess. I appreciate a role model of assertiveness, especially for women.
Personal boundaries are important to me. Keeping a distinct boundary between my personal and professional life is something I can model after Hillary Clinton. We know her, we know her family, and she protects who she is as a wife and mother. It will be interesting to watch her craft a communication campaign as she decides where to go next in her professional journey. I have no doubt that Secretary Clinton will prove to be a competent communicator. 


  1. Great choice Katy,
    I love the way Secretary Clinton communicates as well. She is a very inspirational woman to many and I know she played a key role in advising her husband when he was President.

  2. Hello Katy,

    Very good post.
    I can image how Clinton acted at the Senate hearing. She persuaded audiences articulately and assertively with passion. I have a long time friend is her fun only because of her behavior in the public places. We do not know much about her. She owns the excellent cognition skills through which she attracts us. She influents people by her appropriate behavior.
