Saturday, September 14, 2013

Communication ala Dunphy!

Not to sound judgmental but I don't watch TV, not the kind for entertainment anyway. I kind of admire people who do and honestly wonder how they find the time. With work, school, and so many books to read, I have time to watch the news and that is it! This assignment gave me the opportunity to watch the first episode of "Modern Family". My daughters gave me the first season on DVD years ago. I knew I would like it and looked forward to watching it when I retire! Now that I have seen it, I want more!!

The show is a little overwhelming, especially without the sound. So many characters and at least three plots going at the same time. I decided to put my focus on the Dunphy family, Parents, Phil and Claire and children, two girls and a boy. What great actors these folks are. They are very expressive! The characters portrayed are warm and loving and yet, highly distracted. Lots of sibling rivalry and chaos in the family. They share their feelings openly, with a hint of sarcasm noted, even with the sound off! Hands thrown up in the air in exasperation, eye rolling, arms crossed, and shoulder shrugging were clues of an emotional situation going on in the family. 

With the sound on, I patted myself on the back for picking up on the non verbals. I was spot on. I rely on my ability to read the non verbal cues parents give me to be a successful teacher. The dialog in the episode enhanced what I suspected. These are witty characters who express themselves equally as well verbally as non verbally! I assumed I would like the mom, her "mom stink eye" is admirable. I commend these actors for the ability to use their bodies, and especially their facial expressions to sell the story as much as the dialog does. I assumed that my daughters were right before I turned the TV on today. I like the show, very much. Now that I want to take in all 12 episodes of "Modern Family", how will I find the time to clean my bathrooms?


  1. Katy,
    I can honestly say I have never watched this show. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not, but I hardly have time to read my chapters in our text. LOL I did enjoy your blog post and feel that I could watch the show after reading your blog with a good understanding of what it is about. Nonverbal cues are sometimes essential when trying to really understand the feelings of others. It seems this show uses a lot of nonverbal cues and that has enforced the popularity of the show. The more the actors become their character the more they seem real and the more others can relate to them. Nonverbal cues also let us read into what is truly going on with the feelings of others. Great blog, Melissa

  2. Hi Katy,

    Reading your blog I felt you have great skill on reading nonverbal cues, which you learned from your parents. That is a benefit of understand others. Children do not have enough word communicate with others; instead they do nonverbally. The skills of having the ability to read nonverbal benefit better listening to children.
