Thursday, September 27, 2012

Inspiring Quotes

Here are some inspiring quotes from the multimedia presentation "The Passion for Early Childhood".

"I had a built in passion that it was important to make a real contribution to the world"

" A passion to create a safer, more just world for all kids is there".

Louise Derman-Sparks

"I think my passion comes from wanting to make a difference".

Raymond Hernandez

"All education is a civil rights issue".

Renatta M. Cooper

Hillary Rodham Clinton

"Every child needs a champion."
Hillary Rodham Clinton

"Home is a child's first and most important classroom."

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Art Rolnick

I am honored to tell you that Art Rolnick is a colleague of mine in Minnesota.  As an economist, he has elevated the conversation about investing in early childhood from schools to the national level.  Art has given our cause "wings" by tying the work we do with children and families in classrooms to an economic benefit for the nation. Art brings bankers, politicians and policy makers to the table when discussing early childhood programs.  He makes a compelling case for investment. I had the great privilege to meet with him in July to talk about the statewide campaign to heighten the awareness of early childhood programs.

“The best economic development strategy is investment in early childhood.” 
Art Rolnick, retired senior vice president, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. Senior Fellow at the Humphrey Institute of Public Policy at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jumpstart "Read for the Record"

Hello Walden classmates, thought I would add this clip as we approach Jumpstart's Read for the Record event on October 4th. Not part of our assignment, but pretty fun.  Enjoy!  ~Katy

Friday, September 21, 2012

Personal Childhood Web

This is the only picture I have of my parents together.  It was taken in 1951 at Fort Collins, Colorado nine years before I was born. I love it because they look so happy. These were the first two people to form my web.  They did their very best to nurture me. I am certain that when I came into their lives they were happy to have another baby in the house.  My sister and brother were seven and six years older than me. I was named Katherine after my mothers grandmother.

This is a picture of my mom and my Grampa Chet O'Toole.  I loved my Grampa very much and he loved me too. I always felt special to my Grampa.  He was a storytelling Irishman and I learned much about crafting a story from him. He lived life in a very big way.  If personality characteristics are genetic, then I feel like I inherited my spunk and the fine art of storytelling from him.

My sister, Janey was born eighteen months after me. She was a wonderful playmate throughout my childhood.  We spent hours playing together and trying to steer clear of our mischievous older brother.  Janey and I have a rich history rooted in childhood. As adults, we often recite poems or songs we made up as children.  If I ever need to fill in the details of some fuzzy childhood memory, Janey is my first call.  It is good to have someone in my life who has known me all my life.

I would complete my web with pictures of teachers who inspired me and nurtured me in so many wonderful ways.  One in particular is my teacher and coach, Jim Whitney or "Whit".  I credit getting through some very tough times to Whits commitment to my success in high school.  He cared radically about me then and he continues to to this day. I have spent my adult life thanking him.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 2 Blog Assignment

A current photo of me, circa 2011

A photo of me as a toddler, circa 1961.

"Nothing you do for children is ever wasted."
Garrison Keillor

I have read this book over and over again to children and adults.  It is funny!  It is fun to read in a growly bear voice and fun to act out as I read it.  Although it is hard to pick just one book to share, this one has captured my heart for some time now. 

We started new classes this week and I was touched by Misty's story about how her little girl, Aubrey became verbal this summer. Aubrey was diagnosed with autism last year. Having Misty share Aubrey's success in my parent education class was the highlight of my week.  There wasn't a dry eye in the room.

I have kept this tiny drawing in my recipe box for years.  My daughter drew this critter in 1992 when she was nearly 5.  It makes me smile every time I run across it.  My home is full of my now adult children's art work as it continues to remind me of how great it was to live with little kids.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Trip of a Lifetime

I had the opportunity to travel to China this summer with 32 teachers as National Education Association's Global Learning Fellows.  It was a thrill to spend a morning on the Great Wall of China.  My trip was guided by my research about early childhood and play in China. I was curious about play experiences in a country with a national one child policy.  I learned so much.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

So Stressed Out!

Hello Walden Friends!  Please feel free to give me a standing ovation if you ever see any of my posts in the right place.  I have watched tutorials. I have copied and pasted. I have posted, again and again with no success. "Hang in there", I keep telling myself, it is bound to get easier.  I hope you hang in there with me too!