Thursday, January 31, 2013

"My Connections to Play"

"Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play IS serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood".                        Fred Rogers

"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child."
                          Pablo Picasso

Growing up, we had a family cabin on a beautiful lake in Northern Minnesota. That's me in the striped swimming suit, my summer uniform. When I got dressed in the morning, I put on my swimming suit and took it off at night only to put on my pajamas. I loved the water and spending long summer days outside. We spent the whole summer at the lake. We swam, we sailed, we fished, we skied, and sometimes we even fell asleep on the dock watching northern lights. The great outdoors was essential to my play as a young child.

In Minnesota, if you don't like winter, winter will wear on you pretty fast. I added this picture that I drew to illustrate another essential play element for me, art. I cannot remember a day without doodling something. I spent hours as a child drawing, cutting, painting, and coloring.

I grew up in a big family. As children, we were given lots of time and lots of space to play. My parents loved the outdoors and provided wonderful places to live that were very conducive to play. Woods, lakes, parks, and big yards were always available to me. When I wasn't outdoors, I kept myself busy indoors with art and books. There was always something to read in our house and we had easy access to art supplies as well.

When I look at all of the toys available to children today, I actually feel sad for them. So many of the things parents and grandparents buy for small children are very popular but have very limited playability. Children seem to have so much that they don't know where to start. Toys often play for children while children are expected to be entertained. There is very little room for creativity in much of what is being mass produced for children today. My siblings and I would rake up grass clippings and make elaborate homes out of them. We would play with our "structure" for days. We were required to use our imagination to see the fireplace, the kitchen, and the bedrooms in those grass clippings and we did. I spent my days largely unsupervised and outdoors. Today neighborhood parks are empty as children find entertainment at home too engrossing to step outside. 

I have a very playful spirit. I still find great joy in being outdoors or drawing something with a brand new box of crayons. Play continues to be a great stress reliever and a wonderful way to connect to children and the adults in my life. I love to laugh and be silly. I cannot imagine a day without play. I make sure to get it in. If I don't, I find myself misbehaving like a little kid. 

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Relationship Reflections

Without a doubt, my most important relationship on Earth is the one I have with my husband of 30 years, Matt. This relationship fuels me, inspires me, grounds me, and makes life a grand adventure.  I found my soul mate in 1979, lucky me!
These are my grown daughters. They take my breath away! They are so much fun to hang out with. They make me laugh till it hurts and occasionally cry as we navigate our mother-daughter relationships. Each of them is wonderful in her own way and I feel so lucky to have been here to raise them. I must mention my nearly 20 year old cat who gives me someone to talk to now that the girls are on their own.
I will  use this accomplished, talented, good looking group photo to symbolize my relationships with colleagues.  I work with and know some absolutely amazing teachers who challenge me to grow in my professional life. My professional relationships are key sources of thoughtful conversations, interesting dialog, and passion for the work I do. (See if you can find me in the pic above)
What would I do without my friends? I love having a circle of friends in my life, some who have known me since grade school, to just be with. My friends insist that I go after my dreams. They push me, they laugh with me, they are there no matter what. They understand me and accept me for who I am. I have lots of women in my life who at anytime are welcome to walk right into my house and make a pot of coffee, no matter what the bathroom looks like! I love that you cannot see faces in this picture, making room for new faces too.

Oh to have five more hours in everyday to devote to my relationships. During the school year, and especially in the last year and a half as I represented Minnesota, I was challenged just to maintain many of the relationships I enjoy so much. I do know that it really doesn't take much to stay in touch these days. I credit my iphone with salvaging many relationships through Instagram, iMessages and emails.

I believe that each of these categories of relationships are partnerships. I am in a lifelong, loving partnership with my husband on a mission to love one another the best we can. I am in a lifelong partnership with each of my daughters on a mission to create a family we can all feel loved and accepted in.  I am in a career partnership with many colleagues on a mission to make schools and our communities better for children. I am in a partnership with my friends on a mission to love, support and challenge one another to live our best lives.